Leelou Blogs

Monday, April 23, 2012

Life Is Wonderful

My goodness what a great weekend we had at the Nelson landing!

We've been so lucky to receive all the great news lately. So, in case you're wondering; here it is...............

We ArE gEtTiNg SeAlEd!!!!!!

Yep, that's right! I am one of the luckiest girls alive. Then even more blessings came! Saturday, I went to check the mail and we received a mailing that had been notarized & approved by the courts to have permission for Joel to adopt Eden!!! We hadn't told many people because the process was taking so long and didn't want to jinx ourselves with telling people what we were doing. But, it finally came - YAY!

How do I even express how I am feeling right now? Overjoyed, elated, thankful - so many words could be used right now. But ultimately, I feel so thankful to Heavenly Father for the blessings he has given my family the past two years. He has brought Joel & I together as one. 

So, to top today off Joel & I were able to submit the adoption paperwork for Joel to legally adopt Eden as his own son. Eden is SO excited. His only silly question about the entire thing was now that he is getting Dad is he losing me. My heart just melted when he asked & I started crying. (I'm a cry baby) and told him no, he was just now getting everything that Heavenly Father wants him to have. Eden got so excited, he started crying too! I just love these special moments. We were able to set a court date for May 14th @ 9am!

YeS, oNlY 3 mOrE wEeKs AnD wE wIlL bE aN "oFfIcIaL" fAmIlY!

Heavenly Father has been so amazing to my family.  I am so thankful for them that has been given to me on this earth and will remain with for eternity. I cannot wait to set our date and be sealed as not only husband & wife but a complete eternal family.

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