Leelou Blogs

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Talk from 1.29.2012

Joel & I were asked to give talks about temple marriage for church. We felt honored to give talks about such a special event. We are working very hard on getting to the temple to be sealed and I wanted to share my talk. Joel had a great talk but more was just form the spirit and not written down.

{My Talk}

Joel & I were married by President Farris. We had our closest friends and family in attendance. Most from our local branch. It was a special day for our family. But, to be honest, I can't truly remember what President Farris said except to always talk through thing. NO MATTER WHAT! A few months ago before he was released, President Farris stood and was talking about how hard it is to marry a couple only until death. I knew he had said this in our vows but never had it dawned on me until that moment.

Ever since being baptized, I have always wanted to do the "mormon things". I was sad to realize I missed out on Young Women, Seminary and a mission. But, I have had the privilege to work beside these organizations and see others grow through the teachings. But, one thing I don't have to miss out on is the blessings of the temple.

I was baptized a few years ago but did not attend baptisms for the dead when our ward would go because I was a single mom and worked a huge amount - or so I thought was the excuse. Going to church was a blessing. Just to get from the world for a few hours. In Libby, Bishop Wolcott's wife, Joanne, was a teacher at the preschool that Eden attended and took us in under her wing. She loved us from day one and hasn't stopped yet. Not having any family except my sister over 1,000 miles away belonging to the church, the Wolcott's were my family. I approached Bishop Wolcott about my patriartical blessing and he asked about receiving my personal endowments. I immediately put my guard up and said I only wanted my patriatrical and would take my time. It wasn't but a few months weeks later and I was in his office again, this time for my temple recommend.

Reality started to hit when I met with the Stake President. I knew I was making the right choices by planning to attend the temple but wasn't sure how things would work out. President Hyatt was very open and discussed a lot of different things with me. After our interview he shook my hand and said, "You are an amazing woman and enduring motherhood to the fullest. You will be meet your mate soon and continue into eternity." Hadn't I heard something similar from Bishop Wolcott just last week?

The hardest part that I had when preparing for the temple was buying my temple clothing. And, I'm ever so thankful that my sister was willing to help. Looking back I have no idea why I was so scared. Because now, I love my dress. I love that I have a special outfit just for the temple. And it's not only important to me, but everyone that enters The House of the Lord, and He himself, Heavenly Father. It makes me thing of Revelation 19:8 "And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints."

In May 2010, I was able to receive my endowment and start the same for my family. I was both scared and joyed. My sister, Emiley, was with me along with the Wolcott's, Emiley's in-laws and a few other church members. Of course, I knew not a lot but as it went I was amazed with what I learned and felt that day. The first thought that came to my mind after the session was to read my patriartical blessing. So, while sitting in the temple, I did just that. And again, my eyes were drawn to where it discussed finding a partner in marriage.

In August, I met the man I now call my husband. We knew almost immediately that we wanted to get married and planned our marriage. We initially planned for a temple marriage but circumstances and we were married civilly, January 29, 2011. Yes, today is our 1 year anniversary. It has been the best year - with some trials that we endured but I wouldn't change it. It's made us an inseparable pair.

Joel is the father that President Hyatt talked about in our meeting that would come into our lives. He has loved Eden since day one and wanted to be his dad. Together as a couple and family we do our daily scripture study, FHE, attend church and council regularly. Joel is always willing to uphold his priesthood duties with good example, blessings, attend meetings and provide service to our family as well as others in the community.We have come to realize we are missing something though; our sealed marriage for eternity.

We have been able to attend the temple together. We call it our date night. I have been working on my own family names in the temple. And in November, I was able to do my Grandmother's endowment. This is the woman that I spend every summer with. This is the woman I would spend all my change on to buy a card and mail it, just to say "I love you Grandma". She is the one that taught me there is a Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. And, that it's OK to pray no matter where or what is going on - this all happening before I was baptized in the Church. It's beyond words to describe how I felt knowing that I did her work. To know I will see her again and for all eternity. Some may ask, why do you attend the temple. I just told you about MY reasons. This is why the temple is so important to me.

The gospel offers many great and wonderful promises, such as happiness, peace and a deeper understanding of God and His works. Perhaps the greatest promise is embodied in the doctrine of celestrial marriage.

Celestrial marriage refers to a type of marriage which we as members believe is intended to last beyond the grave and through eternity. Celestrial means heavenly and indeed, a celestrial marriage is a heavenly marriage. This does not indicate a marriage that takes place in heaven, but rather a kind of marriage that is heavenly in nature; it's divine in its origin and potential.

We, as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints assert that for a celestrial marriage to occur, several key steps must be followed. First, the man and woman must be sealed, or bound by one holding the authority of God to perform such sealings, which can only take place in the temple. Second, the couple must seek, with all their hearts, to individually and jointly follow Jesus Christ. Third, the sealing must be confirmed by God through his spirit.

During Christ's life on earth, He passed His authority on to chosen individuals who acted in His name. The bible records, for example, that He ordained his apostles and gave them the "power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils" (Mark 3:14-15). To his apostle, Pater, he gave an even greater power: "whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven: (Matthew 16:19").

This authority to bind both on earth and in heaven is referred to as the sealing power. It is part of the full authority of God, or the priesthood. Lost to the earth after the death of the early apostles, the priesthood was restored to Joseph Smith. By heavenly decree the priesthood and sealing power were passed from Joseph to others, including the apostles, in the Church. The divine power is used to seal marriages in the temple, and establishing the foundation for eternal families - the type of families that God wants His children to have.

If a man and woman have been married only by a civilly recognized authority their marriage will end at death. They can, however, work towards gaining permission to enter a temple and be sealed together so that their marriage will be "bound" on both earth and heaven. Couples are encouraged to be married and sealed together in the temple all at once. A temple sealing is one of the highest ordinances that we can receive.

Eternal marriages do not just happen. Faithful members do not consider eternal marriage a checklist item that can be performed at a specific place and time and then be forever done. Rather, a constant work in progress. Although, the start of the eternal marriage may be dated from the point at which the sealing was done with proper authority, the couple must live their lives in a way worthy of the blessings of eternal marriage.

A couple can show their continued desire for their marriage to be eternal by following Christ in their daily lives. Faithful members who have been sealed together strive to understand and keep God's commandments. They continually try to be like Christ, seeking to be humble, patient, honest, obedient, loving, forgiving and kind. These are but a few of the godly attributes which they try to instill in their lives and in their relationship.

After a couple has been sealed together, and after they have proven their commitment to an eternal marriage, they have the opportunity to have their sealing confirmed by God's Holy Spirit. This is not an earthly ordinance, it only comes through revelation from God directly to the individuals in the marriage. Such a divine confirmation may occur in this life or in the next.

The confirmation of a couple's sealing is given by God, a divine recognition that their union will be eternal. This is the true definition of a celestrial marriage - one that has been ratified by God as being in full force for the eternities.

The sealing power that is to create a celestrial marriage also has a role in the rest of the family. Children can be sealed to their parents by the same authority, with the expectation that the entire family structure can endure through this life and extend into the hereafter. If a couple was sealed together prior to the birth of their children, then those children are born in the covenant, and partakers of the divine promise possible through the sealing of their parents. If a couple is sealed after their children are born, then the children can be sealed to the parents in a special ceremony that takes place in the holy temple.

To build an eternal family is not easy. It requires faith, commitment and a lot of hard work. Not everyone is successful, but thanks to a merciful Heavenly Father, we can have confidence that the intentions and honorable desires of our hearts will be given full consideration on Judgement Day. Faithful members have the God-given hope that through the 3 elements previously discussed they can come as close to the ideal as possible and take part, through God's grace, in the celestrial family they desire.

Such an inspiration might not have ever been conceived if it not for the revelations granted from God in the form of the Gospel. Truly, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the very restoration of the full gospel of Jesus Christ in these modern times. And, I say this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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