Leelou Blogs

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

New School Year = More Growth

Hi Everyone! Well, today marks a day. In another two weeks school will begin. Joel and I have decided to homeschool this year. We researched (and researched some more) to find what kind of a curriculum we wanted to follow. We wanted to definitely to keep it christian based and be able to implement our gospel beliefs in daily learning. And, I have found the perfect format to do so. I can across a family that has done homeschooling for over 27 years!! Yes, that is amazing. Diane has taught all of her 9 children and now helps with her grandchildren.

The curriculum we decided to purchase is 1st grade level and looks like so much fun. We received it in the mail yesterday and I have yet to put it down! I'm just as interested as Eden is. He's even begun his math workbook already because he likes it so much!!

With schooling here at home, I will be able to implement a lot more responsibility that I want Eden to be learning. For example, today he was interviewed and hired for 3 jobs. He is now responsible for feeding our dog, cleaning up all dishes after breakfast and lunch (and sometimes dinner) and he will be in charge of making sure his morning cares are all done WITHOUT being asked (i.e. brush teeth, dressed, make bed). He will earn 1 penny for chores being accomplished and at the end of the month, Joel and I plan on having a FHE that discussed tithing and start him on that as well. And Eden feels so important having his jobs, he even called the neighbor boy over to tell him how much responsibility he has now and is earning a paycheck! LOVE IT!!!

But it hasn't been all work today. Eden and I were able to enjoy 2 hours in the pool today, moved the yard and weeded the garden. I would have to say we had a successful day! Can't wait for more to come.


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